Welcome to The
Smart Coaching Company

Specialists in leadership, productivity and career coaching and mentoring for groups and one to one.

Taking the best ideas from Psychology, Leadership Development and Management Consultancy we have created a flexible, innovative and effective coaching approach for leaders, executives and entrepreneurs. We have stripped out the academic speak and waffle to develop a simple, practical approach. Our style is passionate, entrepreneurial, supportive and very solution focussed. We are based in South Bucks and cover Berkshire, the Thames Valley and West London. Coaching enables clients to find their own solutions, through learning, development and performance. It helps the client achieve more professional success by recognizing & developing their real value. The coach supports the client to gain clarity, make choices and results in change.

At the Smart Coaching Company, we…

  • Are professionally qualified
  • Have a partnership focus, based on trust, dignity & respect
  • Are experienced in leading and developing people first hand
  • Are best suited to organisations who value people
  • Have associates of high standard
  • Are committed to the client’s success
  • Are coached ourselves

Contact Us

By Phone: +44 (0)1753 645754
By Email:  info@thesmartcoachingcompany.com
Our Address: Farnham Common, Buckinghamshire


Linda has written two eBooks which you can now read for free on this website – just head over to the eBooks page to learn more.

Increased Productivity

Improved Work Performance


Improved Business Management


Improved Time Management


Improved Team Effectiveness


Positive People

Improved Self Confidence


Improved Relationships


Improved Communication Skills


Improved Life/Work Balance


We’ve had clients from…